Search61 Results

Services or Offerings?

Submit a request for help with accessibility and assistive technology.

For industry certified professionals, small business owners who have mastered their craft, educators interested in sharing their knowledge with adult learners, or community partners wanting to share culture or craft.

For help with ctcLink.

For ctcLink login and activation issues. This is not for issues with accessing or logging into your Shoreline Network account, Shoreline Email, Starfish, etc.

For students to request help with ctcLink login and activation issues.

This service is to request changes to a users ctcLink permissions. All permissions are subject to Pillar lead approvals, and evaluation by the Local Security Administrators.

Information for educators who would like to renew a certification through Continuing Education.

Fill out this form for assistance with Canvas account issues, Panopto, Observations and other eLearning questions.

For issues with accessing your Shoreline Network Account or email. This is not for ctcLink issues, or for new Shoreline employees. All new Shoreline employees must go through the HR on-boarding process.

Submit a request for help with enrolling in classes or if you have questions about enrollment.

To request help with faculty course issues in ctcLink.

Submit a request for help with financial aid or financial aid disbursement.