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Submit this form if you are no longer an employee of Shoreline Community College and cannot access Canvas. If you are a current employee, you have permission to copy your own courses and send them to anyone you want. Please view .

Request a Canvas BluePrint.

Use this form if you are looking to add a FERPA trained Navigator to your ESL or ABE course.

Use this form if you are looking to add a FERPA trained Peer Mentor to your COL 101 course

Request to add any users to a Canvas Course (Observers, Teachers, Students, Peer Mentors, Navigators, and Librarians). Prior to filling out request, review FERPA on our website and the Attorney General's Memorandum regarding student privacy.

Basic information about merges, such as warnings, timelines, FERPA, and how to request a Cross-List/Merged course.

Request to remove old Canvas courses from your account.

Fill out this form to turn in your request to share a course with another school.

For assistance with Canvas, excluding login issues.