How to Submit an Incomplete Contract

Policy 6260, Grades, Procedure

Policy 6260, Grades, Procedure provides detailed information about Shoreline Community College's grading systems and processes:  

Issuing an Incomplete

Instructors may issue an Incomplete (I) to a student on or after the second day of the seventh week of a regular academic quarter (or the equivalent date in Summer quarter). This is the date following the end of the Withdrawal or W period for the quarter. The Incomplete or I issued by the instructor in place of a final grade for the course indicates that the instructor agrees that:

  • an unavoidable reason prevents a student who is passing a class at the time of the request from completing a specific course requirement within the eleven- week regular quarter (or
    eight-week Summer Quarter), and
  • the student can successfully complete the required coursework within one calendar year
    with no additional instruction.

Incomplete Contract Required

On or before the date on which the instructor issues the Incomplete, the instructor and student must complete and submit to Enrollment Services a standard Incomplete Contract that records:

  • the specific coursework the student will submit to the instructor to complete the course,
  • the date, not to exceed one calendar year from the date of the contract, by which the
    student must submit the specified coursework, and
  • the grade (0.0 or another specified grade) to which a lapsed Incomplete (I) will convert after
    one calendar year if the specific coursework is not submitted.

Submitting an Incomplete Contract

To submit and Incomplete Contract, instructors should email with the details, being sure to cc the student for their notification/agreement of the contract. This information will include the expiration date of the incomplete and the assigned grade should the contract not be fulfilled. The instructor will receive a confirmation email message indicating that an Incomplete Contract has been submitted.

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Article ID: 772
Mon 9/19/22 2:40 PM
Mon 7/24/23 1:06 PM