How do I find H and W classes in ctcLink?


H and W sections look different in ctcLink

The legacy system allowed for a fourth character in a course number that could be used to show a special characteristic of a class section. Shoreline added H to a course number for Honors College sections and added W to a course number for Intensive Writing sections.

An Honors College section of MATH& 146, Introduction to Statistics, was designated in the legacy system as MATH& 146H. An Intensive Writing section of HIST& 215, Women in U.S. History, was designated as HIST& 215W. 

ctcLink does not have a fourth character in its course numbering system. Shoreline is designating H and W sections differently in ctcLink. This article explains how the H and W sections are designated in the new system and how you can find them in the online class schedule.

H and W appear in the section number

1. When browsing the online class schedule, you will see the H or W letter in the section number. By reading an H or W in the section number, you can distinguish an H or W section from other classes.

Class search details for HIST& 215. There is a blue box around one of the section number.

H and W Topics will print on the student's transcript

2. When you click on the arrow next to the W section number to expand the view, you will find confirmation that this is a Writing Intensive section in the class Information text. In the example below, you will see the section Topic listed as Writing Intensive and one of the Class Attributes listed as Writing course satisfies UW writing requirement

Course information. There is a blue box around the Topic and Class Attributes info.

3. The Topic information for H and W classes will be printed on the student's transcript to indicate that the student completed a Writing Intensive or Honors College class. For W sections, the Topic is Writing Intensive. For H sections, the topic is Honors College.

Search for H and W classes using Course Attributes

4. The ctcLink online schedule allows you to search for courses that have specific Class Attributes. The Class Attributes for H and W classes are Honors College and W (Writing) Courses. To search for classes using Course Attributes, open the additional filters in the online class schedule and select Shoreline Attributes in the dropdown menu.

Class Search. The course attributes drop down menu is open and Shoreline Attributes is shown as selected.

5. In the Course Attribute Value pulldown menu, select Honors College or W (Writing) Courses and click on the green Search button.

Class search. The drop down for Course attribute value is displayed.

6. The search will display all the classes scheduled for the selected quarter that share the Course Attribute you have chosen. The Honors College classes for Spring 2022 are shown in the screen shot below. Note that each of the section numbers for the classes includes an H designation.

Class search displaying ANTH& 205, CHEM 173, HNRS 296, MATH& 146.

Find out more about Course Attributes: 

What are Course Attributes? 

What is the Course Attribute filter and how do I use it to search for classes?



Article ID: 782
Tue 9/20/22 1:14 PM
Tue 12/3/24 6:43 PM