ctcLink Survey Results Summer 2022


The purpose of the ctcLink survey is to understand user needs and identify opportunities for improvement.  In July 2022, 146 responded: 41% classified staff, 26% Exempt staff, and 25% faculty, 5% hourly.

Respondents were actual users of ctcLink (52% reported using ctcLink multiple times a day; 77% reported several times per week or more). 

Results show that individuals are adapting to ctcLink, but they perceive that other areas are not. Users look to local colleagues for support more than other resources. Some users articulate concern about support and want clear, relevant, and timely responses.  

To view all results, click ctcLink-Detailed-Survey-Results.xlsx and it will be downloaded to your computer.

President Kahn and ET are working together to prioritize and implement the Strategies for Success. President Kahn will speak to these strategies and updates in weekly all-staff emails and video updates, as they progress.

ctcLink survey results.



Article ID: 2811
Fri 1/27/23 10:19 AM
Tue 8/20/24 2:05 PM

