ctcLink Support Resources for Employees


Please consider bookmarking these resource links for quick access in the future. 

Shoreline Resources

Shoreline Support Center

The Support Center has a new look but continues to be a great resource for students, faculty and staff. Access knowledge base articles about common staff and faculty processes in ctcLink including slide decks and training recordings when available. Submit a Support Request if you have a specific issue or question that you cannot find the answer to.

SBCTC Resources

Ongoing Pillar Work Sessions

Focused, single topic work sessions are regularly scheduled by SBCTC Pillar trainers. Access the full calendar and filter for ctcLink at https://www.sbctc.edu/calendar

Pillar Work Sessions in Canvas

SBCTC posts recordings and slide decks from each work session in Canvas. Great to search through past sessions for answers or review details from a session you attended or look for new trainings. 

Quick Reference Guides 

The ctcLink Reference Center is the repository for QRGs (Quick Reference Guides). These living documents provide a quick walk-through of how to complete a specific task in ctcLink. Note: they are not intended to be a comprehensive explanation of all possible scenarios. Updates to Reference Center materials are made continuously. For this reason, you should not print QRGs. Review the current document online if you need a refresher and make sure to periodically review those QRGs related to your work to see if information has been added or altered.

ctcLink Listservs

Join your peers across the state to share questions and knowledge about your work in ctcLink. Join ctcLink eLists at https://lists.ctc.edu/mailman/listinfo



Article ID: 2730
Fri 1/20/23 7:02 PM
Tue 8/6/24 12:39 PM