Assign/Reassign a Ticket to Another User or Group (Department)
- Click into the ticket.
- Click Actions, then Assign or Reassign.
- Click New Responsibility, type the name, then select the name.
- If you are attempting to assign tickets to a specific group, you need to make sure that group is in the application you are assigning the ticket in.
- I.E. ctcLink group is only in ctcLink, so you cannot assign a ticket to that group in eLearning.
- Add comments, if desired.
- Click Save.
Move a Ticket to Another Application
Note: Not everyone has permission to do this. If you feel you want this function, contact your supervisor.
- Click the ticket.
- Click Actions, then Move to Application.
- Select the Application.
- Select the application you would like to move it to (for this example I am selecting ctcLink)
- If you are not sure what ticket form to use always select the top option, as that is the default form for that application. In this case it is Incident Form.
- Make sure to change or update the following
- Service - If the wrong service was applied to the ticket.
- Type - Each application has their own ticket types so you will need to select the correct one.
- Responsible - This is the responsible group or user you are assigning that ticket to.
- Keep the Notify Responsible selected to alert the user or group they have a new ticket
- Status - If you have notified the user select Open, otherwise select New.
- Example:
- Click Move at the top of your screen.
- If the ticket is moved to a application you do not have access to you will see a "you do not have access" error. This is to be expected, but the ticket has now been moved.