Guiding Principles for Student Success Support Staff and Faculty


Guiding Principles for Student Success Support Staff and Faculty:

  1. Student success and retention is the goal. Faculty and student success support staff (such as success coaches, advisors, navigators, and international academic support administrators) are dedicated to promoting student success while also supporting faculty’s academic freedom, as defined in the collective bargaining agreement, and the integrity of their courses.
  2. Information gathered by coaches and advisors will not be used for the purposes of faculty performance evaluations. Every attempt will be made to respect the privacy of the student success coaching relationship.
  3. Student support is a collaborative process and communication is vital for success. The coaching and advising processes will promote clear, respectful communication among students, faculty, and student success support staff.
  4. Direct access to an instructor's learning management system (such as in Canvas) by student success support staff will require the instructor's written permission and will be limited to only what is necessary to support individual students.
  5. Students can, however, at their discretion, allow student support staff to view their individual online courses in order to provide technical and learning assistance.



Article ID: 1819
Thu 11/10/22 3:27 PM
Thu 11/2/23 5:48 PM