Add Students to Getting Ready for Online & Hybrid Learning Canvas Class eLearning Procedure


The Canvas admin and the eLearning Student Success Navigator meet to set up the Canvas course each quarter.

Canvas Course Details

  1. The Success Navigator creates a new Getting Ready class for the upcoming term and sends the URL to the Canvas Admin.
  2. The Canvas Admin opens the course and goes to Course Settings > Course Details to make the following changes to the class.
    1. Click on the gear icon to open Settings. 
    2. Enter in a SIS ID for the class. Example, FA22_GettingReady.
    3. On Subaccount, change to Restricted Settings.
    4. On Term, select the upcoming term. 
    5. On Participation,  select Course. 
    6. Drop to the end and click on Update Course Details.

Report Server

  1. Access Getting Ready for Online Classes (GRONLINE)
  2. Enter credentials.
  3. On the report, select the enrollment quarter and click on View report.
  4. Save as a CSV (comma delimited) file. 


  1. Open the file in Excel and delete the first three rows, row fours will be your new header row.
  2. Change header of column A from EMPLID to 'user_id'. 
  3. Copy Column A.
  4. Open the enrollmentTemplate.csv file.
  5. Paste the copied Column A into Enrollment file Column B.
  6. Under Column A, add the SIS ID from the Canvas class, FA22_GettingReady, and auto populate all the rows.
  7. Under Column C, add student and auto populate all the rows.
  8. Under Column E, add active and auto populate all the rows.
  9. Columns D and F can be ignored. 
  10. Save the file as GettingReadyAddStudents08082022.csv.


  1. Go to Canvas > Admin > Shoreline Community College > and click on SIS Import.
  2. Click on the Choose file button and select your GettingReady file. 
    Choose File
  3. Click Process Data button. 



Article ID: 1604
Fri 10/28/22 1:15 PM
Thu 1/19/23 12:02 PM