Safely ejecting a USB Flash Drive from a Ricoh Copier/Printer


Removing your USB Flash Drive from the Ricoh copiers

1. You must now remove the USB Flash Drive from the copier/printer the same way you remove it from the computer.

Photo of system home menu options on the Ricoh printer.

2. An icon appears at the bottom of the screen, when you insert your USB Flash Drive. It looks like a USB Flash Drive with a green check next to it. When you are finished and ready to remove the flash drive, press the icon.

Photo of the USB (memory storage) pop up menu.

3. This screen will appear. With the ‘USB Memory’ highlighted in yellow, press “OK”.

Photo of safe to remove USB (memory storage) pop up.

4. This screen will appear, letting you know you can remove the USB Flash Drive. Once removed, this screen will disappear without you having to press “CLOSE”. You should be brought back to the home screen and there should no longer be the icon on the bottom of the screen. We have noticed that some USB Flash Drives will work with computers but will not be recognized when inserted into the printer copier. Notify a supervisor if this occurs.



Article ID: 11969
Mon 4/1/24 12:29 PM
Wed 8/28/24 12:00 PM