Policy 6260, Grades, Procedure
Policy 6260, Grades, Procedure provides detailed information about Shoreline Community College's grading systems and processes: https://www.shoreline.edu/about-shoreline/policies-procedures/documents/6260GradesProcedure.pdf
Grading Systems
Courses at Shoreline Community College use one of four grading systems to assign final grades to students: BEdA (Basic Education for Adults), Graded, Pass/Not Pass, or Student Option.
Grading Basis Information in Class Schedule
Course grading designations are listed in the quarterly class schedule in the Grading line of the course's information page.

In some classes, all students have the same grading basis. In classes with Student Option Grading (see below), students enrolled in the same class may have different grading bases.
Grading Basis Information on Rosters
Class Rosters in ctcLink display the grading basis for each student enrolled in a class in the Grade Basis column.
Grade Rosters in ctcLink display the grading basis for each student enrolled in a class in the Grading Basis column using the following three-letter abbreviations:
- AUD = Audit
- BGB = BEdA
- GRD = Graded
- PNP = Pass/Not Pass
Decimal and Letter Grades
Shoreline issues decimal grades for courses designated as Graded (GRD). Permissible decimal grades are 4.0 to 0.7 in 0.1 increments and 0.0.
Shoreline uses letters for the following grades and course statuses:
- H = Course in progress or hold
- I = Incomplete
- N = Audit
- NP = Not Pass (student achieved at level below the equivalent of 2.0)
- P = Pass (student achieved at level of 2.0 or above)
- W = Withdraw
- Z = Hardship withdraw
Grading Bases
The three-letter abbreviation for Audit that appears on Grade Rosters in ctcLink is AUD.
Students who choose to audit a class must enroll in the class and pay regular tuition and fees. A student choosing Audit (N) status for a class may attend class but does not earn credit or receive a grade. Classes with Audit (N) status are not included in grade point average (GPA) calculations.
Students may change to and from Audit status with instructor approval using the Student Audit Request form. For additional information, see How do I submit a Student Audit Request?
BEdA (Basic Education for Adults)
The three-letter abbreviation for BEdA that appears on Grade Rosters in ctcLink is BGB.
Most courses designated as BEdA (Basic Education for Adults or BGB) are mandatory Pass/Not Pass
courses. For most courses designated as BEdA, instructors may issue letter grades of P or NP, or
approve course statuses of H, I, N, W, or Z.
Some BEdA courses may be designated “Student option grading” in the course description (see
below). For these courses, instructors may issue decimal grades from 4.0 to 0.7 in 0.1
increments and 0.0, enter letter grades of P or NP, or approve course statuses of H, I, N, W, or Z.
The three-letter abbreviation for Graded that appears on Grade Rosters in ctcLink is GRD.
For courses designated as Graded (GRD), instructors may issue decimal grades from 4.0 to 0.7 in 0.1
increments and 0.0, or approve course statuses of H, I, N, W, or Z.
Pass/Not Pass
The three-letter abbreviation for Pass/Not Pass that appears on Grade Rosters in ctcLink is PNP.
For courses designated as Pass/Not Pass (PNP), instructors may issue grades of P or NP, or
approve course statuses of H, I, N, W, or Z.
Student Option
Student Option courses are listed as Graded in the course schedule and are designated “Student option grading” in the course description. Courses that do not include “Student option grading” in
the course description are not eligible for Student Option Grading.

To select the Pass/Not Pass (PNP) grading basis in college-level courses with student option grading, students must submit a Student Option Grading Request form before the mid-point of the quarter. For additional information, see How do I submit a Student Option Grading Request?
To select the Pass/Not Pass (PNP) grading basis for pre-college level courses with student option grading, students may submit the Student Option Grading Request form before the mid-point of the quarter, or they may submit a written request to the class instructor by the last day of classes for the quarter.