How do I Update my Panpto Folder?

In the Summer of 2022, Panopto made an update which we cannot change nor had anything to do with. When you either create or upload a video in Panopto within Canvas, it creates a folder in the class you added that video.  When that folder is created, it automatically gives access/permissions to all people in that course to all the videos in that course.  But only to those people in that course.  When you copy that course over to a new course, the access/permissions stay with the previous course and set of people in that course.  So each quarter you copy and use those same set of videos, you have to go into the folder in the new course and update those permissions.  Because there are so many options in how you want to share videos, we have the Panopto Help Guide that shows you how to edit the folder options in your course.  If you need more help with editing the folder permissions in your course, Panopto has live help that you can access.  You will have to log into Panopto in order to access that help.  Use the link above to look at the directions and to log into Panopto for that live help option. 

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Article ID: 4536
Tue 4/25/23 9:08 AM
Tue 4/25/23 9:08 AM