How to restore a deleted course in Canvas

If you need to restore a Canvas class that was accidentally deleted, here are the steps to retrieve the course.

  1. Go to Admin > Settings > Reports and run the Recently Deleted Courses report. For configure, select the term, if you know it, and Run Report.
  2. Download the report and locate the Canvas ID.
  3. Copy the id.
  4. Go to Admin > Admin Tools >Restore and enter the Canvas course id. 
  5. Class is unpublished.

Steps for how to find and restore the users back into the class

  1. Return to Admin > Settings > Reports and run the Provisioning report. Select the Term from the drop down and click on Courses and enrollments.
  2. Run report.
  3. Download the provisioning report and sort and filter.
  4. Use find and search for the deleted course id.
  5. Delete the other course ids since you only want the information for the selected course.
  6. Delete the following columns.
    1. Delete Column A canvas_course_id
    2. Delete Column C, canvas_user_id
    3. Delete Column F, role_id
    4. Delete Columns J through P.
  7. Save the file as a .csv file.
  8. Go to Admin > SIS Import > Choose file.
  9. Process Data
  10. Now, you can go into the newly restored class and check it for content and users.
  11. Publish
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Article ID: 2155
Tue 11/29/22 4:03 PM
Thu 12/29/22 11:03 AM