How to Generate Canvas Courses for Next Quarter through the SBCTC Portal within Canvas (New Term)

This is a two-part process, setting term dates and then telling ctcLink when you want courses to be added. This process needs to be done 6 weeks before the new quarter starts. Canvas courses are generated by the Canvas/SBCTC integration date which is usually after the withdrawal date and/or the last day of the sixth week of the current term. 

  1. You first need to set the term dates for the quarter. Canvas Guides has a step-by-step process on how to edit term dates for the upcoming quarter
    • The Canvas Admin sets the dates for each of the 5 options. 
      • For the first two options, “Terms Run From” and “Students Can Access From,” these start dates should be the same and should be 3 weeks before the start of the quarter (unless ESL/Nursing Early start classes are moved earlier).
      • For the last three options, "Teachers, TAs, and Designers", these start dates should be the same and should be 6 weeks before the start of the quarter.
      • The end date should be the same for all 5, which is the date that grades are due that quarter. 
      • You will need to remember the start date for "Teachers, TAs, and Designers" above to add those to the next step. 
  2. After you add the Term dates, you need to tell ctcLink to create the courses and add them to Canvas.    
    • Go to Admin panel and click on SBCTC eLearning menu button.
    • Click Manage.
    • Select the quarter you are going to create from the drop-down menu.
    • Editing the options:
      • Make sure that the "Enable integration for this term" has been checked. 
      • For the "Create classrooms and enroll faculty" option put in the date which is 6 weeks before the quarter you are building starts (same as the date above). 
      • For the "Create student enrollments" option put in the date which is 6 weeks before the quarter you are building start. This is different than the date above. 
  3. Click Save Settings. 

Here is the guide that SBCTC uses to update any of these steps.  It is live and is updated on this Google doc. 



Article ID: 1615
Fri 10/28/22 4:03 PM
Tue 4/23/24 2:22 PM