LastPass at Shoreline Community College details

Tags lastpass

Downloading LastPass

  • To download Lastpass please visit their website.
  • For Mobile devices you can download mobile apps for iOS or Android. There are introduction videos for iOS and Android as well.
  • If you previously used your email address to sign up for a personal LastPass account, that account will automatically migrate to a business account. In that case, what you can do is create a new personal account using a personal email address, link the two accounts, and then migrate your data.
    • Tip: You can link your personal account and your Shoreline-provided LastPass for Business account.
  • Macs can’t use the LastPass app for MacOS because we use your Microsoft account for authentication. This is a LastPass limitation. Please use a web browser extension instead. Manual testing showed the web browser extension for LastPass worked for Chrome, Firefox, and Edge.
  • You can disable your web browsers from saving passwords so that you aren’t prompted by your browser and LastPass at the same time for saving and entering passwords.

Sharing Passwords

  • To share passwords securely there needs to be a location to put them in. We'll happily create those locations for you - please reach out with a support ticket and ask! Once we’ve shared a location with you, it will show up in your Sharing Center and look similar to this:

LastPass Sharing Center example screenshot.
