We can only add users to a course with the owners written permission. These usually come in the form of a ticket.
Once you get the general ticket, you will want to check to see what type of addition they are requesting. There are rules for each addition. If it lives outside of these rules or someone is requesting one that does not fit, then send those to Amy.
Observer (ARCs and Evals) - 48 hours only, must be for observation and evaluations only, you must get their permission of longer than 48 hours.
Add to your calendar to make sure they the observer is only in the class for 48 hours. You will want to edit the name of the ticket to reflect the name of the person making the request and add the date of your next edit. For example "Observation Brandon Fryman 4/16/2024." This helps keep track of these.
Teacher – Only the instructor’s department (AA4) can add faculty to live courses.
Accessibility Specialist – any instructor can ask for this.
Librarian – any instructor can ask for this.
Peer Mentor - Can only be added to COL 90 & 101 Only.
Navigator (for pre-approved programs only) - in ESL/ABE courses only.
IBEST Support (for pre-approved programs only) - business
CECO Support (for pre-approved programs only) - CECO courses only
Instructional/Lab Technician (for pre-approved programs only) - STEM courses only
Tutor (for pre-approved programs only) - Pre-approved tutors for gateway courses to improve access for students to tutoring and support. Refer to Jeff in tutoring for more info. Make sure tutor has completed/updated (needs to complete yearly) FERPA training.
Students with an Incomplete Contract – we add a section to the course they are in and add that student to that section.
Tuition Waiver Student – ES now does this
Student-Centered Spaces in Canvas – owner of the course needs to make self-enroll and reach out to student services for FERPA form.
To Add
Go to the course in question.
Click People
Click + People
type in the ctcLink ID (If multiple people, separate IDs with a comma)
Pick the correct for the person/people being added.
Click Next
Several pop-up windows can come up, basically, they are verifying the correct account or person. If a person worked or attended more than one school, each school will come up. You need to pick the correct school. If you do not, that can mess things up on their side and you will need to reach out to Paul Kreemer to fix that. Once the correct account and people have been identified, then click Next.
Click add users